Thursday, October 31, 2019

Compare and contrast WHY WE CAN'T WAIT to IF YOU WERE ONLY WHITE Essay

Compare and contrast WHY WE CAN'T WAIT to IF YOU WERE ONLY WHITE - Essay Example Why We Cant Wait primarily highlights the concerns of Martin Luther King Jr. for the black community in the United States; African Americans. The ultimate issue is the integration of the black community in the American society in terms of having their rights and freedoms observed. The year 1963 marked a critical time for the concerns spoken by Martin Luther King Jr. Specifically, Emancipation Proclamation was meant to mark a new beginning in accounting for equality between the whites and the blacks (Weatherford 81). The proclamation was meant to bring to an end years and years of slavery and segregation of African Americans. On the other hand, If You Were Only White highlights the experiences of a baseball player by the name Satchel Paige. Paige was an African American who had become a successful baseball player, climbing up the game ladder to outperform both white and black baseball players (Partridge 294). He too, just like the rest of the black community, suffered the impacts of segregation. Amid this, he stood out for what he believed was right and good for the society. His fame and performance along his career line had broken racial ties in the United States between 1920s and 1980s. While Martin Luther King Jr. and his associates pushed for Emancipation Proclamation, Satchel Paige was using his baseball career to try and unite the American people beyond racial limits. King felt that the freedom of the black community had been delayed for a hundred years if not more (Weatherford 137). As a result, he fought for the freedom of African Americans and advocated for equality in the society. Even with emancipation, the facts of the matter were yet to be operationalized in Birmingham and beyond. This aspect provides the reason why the blacks felt they could not wait any longer. For Satchel Paige, his influence in the American society has caught the attention of both whites and blacks. The context of the arguments made in If You Were Only White refers to a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Clinical mangament plan and nurse prescribing of patient with urinary Essay

Clinical mangament plan and nurse prescribing of patient with urinary tract infection - Essay Example In terms of the development of nurse prescribing, the progress track and rationale is straightforward; when there is a fundamental need within the healthcare system, someone must step forward to meet that need. Given the demands placed on doctors by increased patient populations and the need to prioritize toward acute or emergency cases, it was a natural solution to begin to utilize nurses and expand their role within the system. As the professionals who have the greatest level of one-on-one contact with the patients, nurses are a logical and necessary extension of the primary care physician. To simply expand their capability to prescribe medications under a doctor’s supervision is not a great leap forward in terms of logic; particularly given the amount of efficiency it brings to the overall healthcare system. Within the clinical environment, however, there has been conflict within the medical community as the technical nature of treatment modalities has increased and, with a large nursing staff presence, there has been the opening for nurses to take on greater and more difficult medical duties than were previously associated with nursing. The profession itself has â€Å"striven for many years to throw away the handmaiden mantle and get itself [sic] recognized as a profession, independent of doctors† (Brown, Crawford, & Hicks, 2003: 348). The primary issue facing nurses in general—and nurse prescribers particularly—is that many doctors see a nurse’s ability to prescribe medication as an infringement upon their territory. As with any polarizing dynamic, this is an unhealthy situation for the patients. While there are traditional and legal boundaries between the duties and practices of doctors and nurses, it is unnecessary to engage in an outright turf war; only the patients will suffer. In the UK, there continues to be the development

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Aims And Objectives Of The Internet Information Technology Essay

The Aims And Objectives Of The Internet Information Technology Essay In this part of the world the Internet in its essence is a directory, where the user can access information and buy goods and services.The internet provides a key asset for communication in this century. As a company or as an organization it is   important for existence to have a web contact. Global Marketing is a place where users can sell new and old sports items and where companies can advertise them selves and place their goods for selling. Global   Marketings aim is to provide a facility where any one can access, upload and purchase goods in different styles where they can buy as in auction or instantly without staying in long queues. Once they have bought they can amend their quantities in shopping cartridge.Global Marketing use Internet technologies to enable users to sit at home and buy sports items from Global Marketings website. The functional richness and rapid responsiveness of the desktop application have always been the goal of   human by designing the desktop application in java by one site compiling and multi site running, but Ajax has invented the powerful features where we can design a website with the help of ASP.NET which would work as a desktop application, where new generation of the Internet can interact rapidly. 2.1 Problems: 2.1   Ã‚  Ã‚  Creating a user friendly website based on ASP+ Ajax technologies. 2.2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Enabling the clients to participate in the real time auctions through the web. 2.3   Ã‚  Ã‚  Creating Shopping cart for the customers where they can buy and add as many things   as they want, depending on availability. 2.4   Ã‚  Ã‚  There are thousands of websites which are made by humans but they are not responsive as quick as desktop applications. Aims and objectives: To develop a front end system that is both user friendly and easy to use or navigate, The front end system will be linked to a back end database which can be update online and have some functionality: Add, Delete Edit Display Search Specific functions: Allow user to suggest recommendations. Message service ( user can ask any thing about the product for instance if they are in-trusted in any other colour or something they can email to the owner of the shop or website). Deliverable : The deliverable of this project will be as following: Project report Front end, user friendly sports items website. 3.1- Life-cycle Models: There are so many life-cycles models for to producing any website or that can be used to aid the development of any software or any website, They are playing a role model to control the coast of the whole project either it is a time consuming project or costly with that people can control the coast as well as their precious time, errors are minimised and so forth that is way I have decided to use the waterfall model in my project as its name suggests it is powerful and easy to understand to develop any software or any website. 1. The Waterfall Model The waterfall model derived from engineering models, to be consistent in the development of large software in the market. It has some stages which process linear fashion, in order to compare with other software models, it is more rigid and controlled or we can say that this is manageable. [Online accessed 15/10/10] Requirement analysis and definition,   In this very first stage we just establish the requirements then we check the requirements of the developed software: which includes the constraints and the developing goals of the software or website and those include the services which they are going to provide; once these are established then those should be defined in such a way that they are usable in the next stage. some time these may be preceded by the feasibility study. feasibility study should pose the questions such as: should we develop the software? and what are the alternatives? System and software design. In this stage the established requirement are same as first stage, but difference is only that   these requirements are suitable for the hardware and the software which we have in our use, for instance, java etc. Basically, we identify the software and the hardware requirements, and transfer these information into the readable form of the software. Implementation and unit design. In this stage where they create the computer programme and each programme is collection of small units stage and the unit testing is the verification of the system requirements it means, they meat the requirements or not of the user? System testing. All of the systems units are combined and all of them are need to be tested when the combine programme is successful or has been tested then the software product is finished. Operation and maintenance. Most computer programmes have developed programmes in stages, and every stage has some errors which have gone undetected before; in the case of any need of improvement or any kind of support   beeing recorded, This recorded information can be helpful in the future for operation and maintenance of the software. However, this is the part of the life-cycle and which is strict development, although improvement and fixes of any software can be considered as the word development. There are plenty of models in the market, such as Code and Fix model, exploratory model, Evolutionary Model or prototyping Model and the name with spiral model, The spiral model has also have the qualities of waterfall model and the reason for using the waterfall model are as follows ; It is cost effective. The requirement which are already known. The is no chance of   requirements to be changed in near future. Background Studies What is E-Commerce? and Role in our life. E-commerce is like doing business online over the Internet; selling and buying thing on the Internet. Products may be traded physical, such as using cars or any services to deliver the products but selling goods to the buyer through the word wide web. over the Internet they may be in digital form for instance they may look like audio video or in the form of news or may be in the form of software and all types of knowledge base products. Market and E-commerce : Without a website, a local store is going to be always a local store they can not promote them-salves for the world, if same local stores have a websites for their-selves and find the world on their doorstep, therefore , this will be good for the same local store where millions of people visit the same store or where a one customer comes after one hour and he can sell million of things in one second to millions   of customers. But they need to think about the competitors and how they are going to tackle all of these competitions either these are related to sale or products, that is why these online partners need change all the time, actually, this is not only a for searching products, buying products and selling the products, it is also leading to words exchanging and distributing products and the way consumers search and bargain for the products. Turban etal. (1999) note that e-commerce is still an emerging concept for the people who works in IT that there are so many applications of e-world for instance shopping banking provides the infrastructure to drive the world from home The Internet is the best know technology and most used technology of the e-commerce and networking (Key Note ( Internet usage in business 1998)). Dave Chaffey munitioned in his book, The history summarises to Tesco supermarkets efforts in this electronics world trading with there suppliers from EDI to Internet-base purchasing. The advantages and disadvantages are explored. Tesco is Uks largest grocery chain in the market they have 4,811 (Feb 2010) retail places in a Uk. and due to the largest network they used electronic data interchange (EDI) to order the goods from suppliers which are more then 2000, representing around more then 96 % by volume of goods sold in tesco stores. That system started in 1980 to stream line the stores replenishment first it was limited but after 1989 Tesco took initial to sport their store in better way to think about the forecasting the goods for the future so Tesco capture the market in start after some time so many other superstore join the race as well and they are doing very well.One is well know is E-bay which is the icon of the e-commerce or The e-Business. Dave Chaffey (E-business and e-commerce management: strategy, implementation, and practice   2007 (Page 292)).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Review of the 2005 Film version of Pride and Prejudice Essay -- essays

For any great reader, it is known that the 'book is always better than the movie.' Try as they may, moviemakers can never fully capture the author's magic from the original text. I am happy to say that this is not the case in the 2005 movie version of Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen was a fabulous writer and her novels have captured the attention of booklovers for centuries. The screenwriter, Deborah Moggach, takes Austen's slightly rambling story and polishes it up and makes it easy for modern day people to understand. In the days when fathers were forbidden, by law, to leave property to their daughters, two sisters, Elizabeth and Jane Bennet are being pressured to marry rich gentlemen. It is luck then, which brings two such young men, Fitzwilliam Darcy and Charles Bingley to their sma...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chapter 1 Essay Apush

The Europeans faced much adversity throughout their long history. When there was a chance to explore the New World they jumped at the opportunity. During this particular time period, exploration opened many opportunities and one of those included power, which motivated the kings of major countries to explore. The Europeans explored the New World in search of gold, glory, and to do it for God; in some cases. Gold was a major factor in bringing the Europeans to the New World. Gold equals money and money equals power, this is the philosophy of most kings to explore the New World.They wanted power and it did not matter how they got that power as long as they got it. In the case of Hernan Cortes, he killed of the Aztec leader, Montezuma, to gain the Aztec’s gold. After the fall of the civilized empires in the New World, the Spanish set up civilized empires which prospered in gold. The Spanish received gold and in turn they also received power. Power motivated most of the countries; Spain, France, England, Portugal, and the Netherlands, to explore and gain the profits.Although gold was not the only reason they explored as much as it was trying to find a new route to India and the Orient. That was the original plan. Once they hit land and discovered it was not India and the Orient, they explored and came across gold and many other riches. Once they were brought back the kings would charter ships and try to gain as much gold, money/power, as they could. After the fall of the Catholic Church and the rise of the monarchies, all of the kings were searching for new ways to show they were more powerful, gold helped with that.Gold was not only a surprising find in the New World, but also a key into the search for power by the kings of the respective countries that explored. Glory was a major factor in bringing the Europeans to the New World. In European life, the oldest son got to inherit everything from the father, so that was the reason for the big craze of having a son. In most cases there was more than one boy and the younger son go nothing and had two major options in life: enter the military or become a member of the clergy. But now there was a third option, travel to the New World and claim land for your respective country.Many of the second sons left and did the third option because it offered them a chance to get something their older brothers would never have, glory. To this day, everyone still remembers that â€Å"Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492†. Even 600 years from then, we all remember his name and he is apart of the curriculum. Glory can be considered a very selfish reason to explore the New World, but it was the motivation behind a lot. To travel across the ocean in this time period was very dangerous and all of the young men were sacrificing their lives to make a name for themselves.Everyone wants to be famous. Glory inspired the young men to explore the New World because it was a fresh start and an opp ortunity to make a name for themselves. God was a major factor in bringing the Europeans to the New World. The Catholic Church collapsed due to the Reformation movement and they lost most of their power. Spain and Francis were still primarily Catholic, so they thought it would be a good idea to explore and set up Christian ministries in the New World in exchange for money and the backing of the Catholic Church.After finding the native people of the lands, they converted them to Catholics and had the Catholic ministries teach them the ways of the Catholic Church. The countries explored in the name of whatever religion they supported. Some of the explorers had no religious preference, they just came because it was an opportunity to get away from all of the fighting of the Reformation and all of the conflict surrounding it. God is a safe haven and if they came for other purposes, such as gold, they could find a safe haven and ask for forgiveness or protection.God offered many reasons a s to why the Europeans decided to explore, whether it be to support the church of their choice or to avoid the conflict altogether. Gold, Glory, and God were the major factors leading to European exploration of the New World in the 16th-17th centuries. Gold brought them power, glory brought them recognition, and God brought them the approval of the church of the country which backed their charter to come explore the New World. Although gold, glory, and God brought the Europeans to the Americas, land was the reason they stayed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Media an Answer to Terrorists needs

In our generation today every little gadget is a product of science and technology, through this we were able to easily adapt to changes that are occurring in our world. Easy access is only a click of a hand away, may it be e-mail, bank accounts and even information because of this terrorist have taken advantage of the good things the technology has to offer. When this technology should be use as a means of communication for family, friends and relatives, it is being exploited to instill fear and terror to the minds and hearts of the people. With this technology acquired by most of the people like television and computer which are always being use, it would be easier to acquire and disseminate information to people and it would also be easier for the people to be frightened from the terrorist. In the past years it has been a mystery how these terrorist recruit there members and how they were able to communicate with them, now it has been found out that terrorist uses sites such as Paypal, Orkut and My Space to be able to connect and disseminate information from those interested to be a member. Using this site also they were able to find fund raiser and coordinate their activities, and because they use electronic dead drop they were able to avoid being detected by government agencies. Using this kind of technology is sufficient to communicate to other people without using too much time and effort, it is less cost for most of this website offer free membership as well as access and it is also safe for it is hard to be detected in a way that they could hack to other servers or satellites to avoid detection, for the terrorist it is the easiest way to communicate, for everyone now has computers, televisions and even laptops which is an easy access to information. Nowadays that people have easy access to everything, terrorist know who their audience is and because of this they were able to send the message straight that they mean business, mostly we could see terrorist abducting innocent people in television with this kind of act they were able to penetrate the mind of the people that they have no mercy to anybody, our courage   is being shaken and our trust to the government is doubtful for they cannot able to stop attacks and abduction of this terrorist. Terrorists were able to extract information from Government intelligent and agencies for they were able to hack the system, with this they use it as there own way of protection and also a way to destroy there enemy. The mass media and web technology serves as a portal or a means of bridging the gap of this terrorist and there audience to fulfill there task, and because sending e-mail message could be tampered with hidden meanings from the actual message being sent it is more advantage for the terrorist to have the upper hand from those who are in the Government. If this technology is being penetrated by terrorist, there is also a way to stop it because now it is not impossible to let things happen. To stop terrorism from sending messages or acquiring one, internet should build a program that would facilitate the site, a program that could detect hidden message from this terrorist, a program that would protect the interest of the people as well as the nation. Also it is our duty to have limit to our selves for we have been involve and caught up with all the new technology being discovered and used by the people, we are all aware that it is being use for other purpose form which it is originally should be used, we are all disturb and frighten for our safety is at stake but having this technology is not bad either for it promises a good and prospering future. All should be well if we know how to put limitations to the use of technology precaution should always be there before using     any technology. Every new discovery is for the benefit of human goodness but for some they could always see the dark things it could turn into, now it should not hinder us from discovering new ideas, technology and solution as long as you discover it for the better good and nothing more. References: Hasan, K. How Al Qaeda uses Internet.   Daily times December 8, 2005 (March 10, 2006)