Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Performance Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Performance Evaluation - Essay Example Thirdly, there are strong evidences found which represent the inclusion of an element of biasness and partiality in evaluating the performance of the personnel, which in turn may lead to significant deviations from the actual performance of the personnel. Traits are defined as the properties and characteristics of any given person’s personality. Every person always keeps and carries all personality traits with him/her such that these traits become inseparable from the personality of the person. In evaluating the performance of an employee, the personality traits do have their importance as they actually demonstrate what the personality of the employee is all about (Dessler 2010). Is he/she charming, extrovert, sharp, lazy, or arrogant etc? Behaviors are the particular course of action that a person demonstrates in a particular situation. Behaviors are more concerned with the physical activities and dealings that a person displays given the overall theme or mood of a particular environment. These behaviors are also affected by the mood and emotions of the person as well. For instance, the employee may reflect a careless behavior in the work environment which would be referred to as his behavior, but what actually is causing him to behave in such a weird manner, might be the family issues, financial issues or any other issue (Dessler 2010). Job results are the actual outcomes that are achieved as a result of performing a specific task or duty. Whatever task or duty assigned to the worker, is judged by the ultimate outcome or result of that particular task (Dessler 2010). For example, if an employee is assigned to draft a particular report, the ultimate outcome or result of that task would be the final draft report to be handed over to the supervisor. What actually matters to any organization are the results obtained by the employees. Only those organizations prosper and remain successful in developing a result-oriented culture in their

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